Muzitee is a t-shirt brand for musiclovers, so I wanted a special package for them. I thought it would be great if you could receive your t-shirt in a tape replica package instead of a bag or envelope! I wanted a tape from the 80s (not the transparent ones used in the 90’s) and I remembered that my mom, had a collection of old cassette tapes in a closet, from the time she was a student. I selected a beautiful yellow one, with various songs of Dalaras and Alexiou, I called my friend Vangelis Kakoulakis who takes nice pictures, and took photos of all sides of the cassette. Then these pics photoshopped and we created this tape replica box, excellent for a gift or to decorate your room or bookcase! In the main pic, you can see the original cassette tape, the idea and the final tape replica package.